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This article reviews the book, "Histoire du Syndicalisme Agricole au Québec. UCC-UPA, 1924-1984," by Jean-Pierre Kesteman, Guy Boisclair & Jean-Marc Kirouac.
This article reviews the book, "Collective Bargaining in American Industry," by David B. Lipski & Clifford B. Donn.
The article reviews the two-volume audio recording, "Works Many Voices," edited by Archie Green.
Most social histories of the working class have focussed on women's or men's experience alone. However, while studies of working-class women have often been sensitive to the ways in which class and gender relationships have been constructed and reconstructed simultaneously, histories of working-class men have been largely gender-blind. In an attempt to provide a more comprehensive understanding of gender-based divisions in the working-class experience this study examines the relationship between male and female work worlds in the railway ward of Barrie, Ontario between 1920 and 1950....
This article reviews the book, "Entre syndicats et patrons, fragile alliance," by Kenneth George.
The article reviews the book, "June '36: Class Struggle and the Popular Front in France," by Jacques Danos and Marcel Gibelin.
Ce livre ne représente qu'un aspect d'une vaste recherche sur les différences entre les femmes et les hommes dans des structures politiques: partis provinciaux, municipaux et central`es syndicales. En effect, ne son présentés ici que les résultats de la recherche portant sur le militantisme dans deux centrales syndicales du Québec soit: la Centrale des syndicats nationaux (C.S.N.) et la Centrale de l'éducation du Québec (C.E.Q.). --From Introduction
This thesis makes a contribution to three areas of sociological thought. First, it is concerned with the elaboration and extension of the political economy approach to migration as it is represented in the work of Stephen Castles and his various co-authors. It suggests that the work of Castles, et al., is relatively silent on the role of the state, and ideological relations in the structuration of migration. In seeking to further refine the political economy framework as it is applied to migration, this thesis draws upon two other sets of literature which, in part, have emerged as counters to some of the more economistic of their formulations. In this light, the second area of sociological literature I draw upon is the recent work on the concepts of free and unfree labour. Finally, this thesis is informed by an analysis of recent debates on the concept of racialization. In synthesizing these three strands of sociology, this thesis advances the theoretical claim that political economy oriented theorists should focus on modes of incorporation, or the manner in which foreign-born labour articulates with capital and the state. Within this context, four distinct modes of incorporation under capitalism are identified. These modes of incorporation are designated as: free immigrant labour, unfree immigrant labour, free migrant labour and unfree migrant labour. This thesis suggests that agents are subject to particular modes of incorporation, in part, on the basis on the process of racialization. This thesis uses the cases of late nineteenth and early twentieth century Chinese migration to Canada, and the post-1945 migration of farm labourers, from a number of source countries, including, specifically, the Netherlands, Poland, Germany, and the Caribbean, to the south western Ontario fruit and vegetable industry to highlight the centrality of the state in the process of migration, and the differential modes of incorporation of foreign-born persons into sites in production relations. Furthermore, the process of racialization is seen to have an impact on whether particular groups are allowed entry to a social formation, and upon how they are incorporated into sites in production relations.
The article reviews the book, "The Politics of the West German Trade Unions: Strategies of Class and Interest Representation in Growth and Crisis," by Andrei S. Markovits.
Après avoir défini ce qu'il faut entendre par harcèlement sexuel au travail, les auteurs proposent une grille d'identification permettant de classifier selon la forme et le degré les différents comportements qui caractérisent le harcèlement sexuel au travail.
The article reviews the book, "Un syndicalisme pur et simple : mouvements ouvriers et pouvoir politique aux Etats-Unis, 1919-1939," by Serge Denis.
This volume is a reprint of a special edition of the Canadian Journal of Sociology.The essays are gathered around two themes: the relationship of sociology and social history, and the intersection of gender, ethnicity, and region with class. Unlike most Canadian essay collections, the contributors and their subjects cover Canada from British Columbia to Newfoundland, with forays into Cape Breton and central Canada. The volume contains articles by Ian McKay, Gordon Darroch, James R. Conley, Alicja Muszynski, Gillian Creese, and Jim Overton. An interesting collection of some of the new work being done in Canada by historians and sociologists, Class, Gender, and Region reflects Charles Tilly's suggestion that "there should be no disciplinary division of labour: simply both doing social history." --Publisher's description
This article reviews the book, "The Nottingham Labour Movement 1880-1939," by Peter Wyncoll.
The first two decades of the twentieth century saw a dramatic period of innovation and expansion in public health programmes in Britain and Canada. This thesis argues that this period of growth and change in public health was one aspect of a major reorientation of social policy. This reorientation had two major features. First, the national working classes of Britain, Canada and other countries were increasingly delimited through immigration controls and similar means of regulating international mobility. Secondly, new social programmes were developed which attempted to improve the physical, mental and moral condition of these delimited working classes, on the basis that their well-being was the foundation of national productivity. Public health played a major role in both the delimitation and improvement of national working classes. In Canada, the first major programme of immigration controls was introduced in this period, centering around the selection or rejection of immigrants on the basis of medical inspection conducted according to public health criteria. In both Britain and Canada, new public health programmes were developed which aimed to improve the condition of the working class. This was to be accomplished primarily through home visiting programmes which attempted through education and Inspection to establish standards for the domestic labour of women as mothers and home-makers. This thesis examines the contribution of public health to this reorientation of social policy primarily through the analysis of the theoretical work of key policy-makers as reported in professional journals and government documents. These officials displayed a keen sociological understanding of the broader significance of their activities in the development of a productive national working class prepared for work or war. Indeed, they understood clearly that the health of nations is an important basis of the wealth of nations.
This article reviews the book, "Out of Work: the First Century of Unemployment in Massachusetts," by Alexander Keyssar.
This article reviews the book, "Histoire du Québec contemporain : Le Québec depuis 1930," by Paul-André Linteau, René Durocher, Jean-Claude Robert, and François Ricard.
This article reviews the book, "Plant Closings : A Selected Bibliography of Materials Published Through 1985," by Harold E. Way & Carla M. Weiss.
This article reviews the book, "Not by Bread Alone : A Study of Organizational Climate and Employer-Employee Relations in India," by Baldev R. Sharma.
The article reviews the book, "Frontier Expansion and Peasant Protest in Columbia," by Catherine LeGrand.
This article reviews the book, "Recalling the Good Fight: An Autobiography of the Spanish Civil War," by John Tisa.
Resource type
- Book (11)
- Journal Article (218)
- Thesis (11)