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English/French abstracts of articles in the isuee.
English/French abstracts of articles in the issue.
List of recent publications by the Committee.
List of recent publications by the Committee.
In the history of Canadian labour and the left from 1900 to 1925 the radical life of Jack Kavanagh represents an important link between the politics of pre-war socialism and post-war communism. A prominent trade union leader and revolutionary propagandist in Vancouver, he was a founding member of the Communist Party of Canada in 1921 and its first provincial chairman in British Columbia. At the level of leadership, however, the foundation period of the communist movement in Vancouver was dominated by recurring disputes between Kavanagh and the party centre in Toronto, suggesting a kind of regional factionalism. This article reviews that historical experience and assesses Kavanagh's place in Canada's radical heritage.
The article reviews the book, "Where the Fraser River Flows: The Industrial Workers of the World in British Columbia," by Mark Leier.
The article reviews the book, "Employers Large and Small," by Charles Brown, James Hamilton, and James Medoff.
The article reviews the book, "Managing to Discriminate," by David L. Collinson, David Knights and Margaret Collinson.
La recherche en relations industrielles a surtout porté sur l'étude de nos institutions. En effet, les recherches traditionnelles dans notre domaine ont abordé principalement les questions relatives à la croissance syndicale, aux grèves, à la participation institutionnelle, à la négociation collective, aux mécanismes de règlement des conflits (arbitrage, médiation, conciliation, etc.), et finalement, à certaines dimensions des politiques publiques. Il ne fait aucun doute que les nombreuses recherches sur ces sujets ont eu le mérite de décrire des phénomènes précis. Il est à se demander, toutefois, si on a réellement développé un corpus de connaissances permettant de mieux comprendre ces divers phénomènes et de mieux prédire ou anticiper, dans une certaine mesure, les comportements et attitudes des acteurs.
The article reviews the book, "The Great Depression: 1929-1939," by Pierre Berton.
This research tested the applicability of Sylvia Walby's theoretical model of patriarchy to a case study of women working and unionizing at the T. Eaton Co. The focus was on the two time periods 1947-1952 and 1984-86 when a unionization drive was underway at Eaton's. In-depth interviewing was conducted with over ninety participants in the events. Support was found for the aspects of Walby's model that pertain to patriarchal relations within paid work. In addition, forms of women's resistance and empowerment were examined specifically in relation to the 1984 unionization events. It was found that women's political action contains components that traditional politics do not explain. Overall, the findings of this case study strongly support Walby's position that gender inequality in society as a whole cannot be understood without the concept of patriarchy (1990).
Resource type
- Book (12)
- Journal Article (175)
- Thesis (8)