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This paper explores, from a comparative perspective, the industrial unrest of the years 1917-20 and the role of revolutionary socialists in it. It argues that both industrial militants and left-wing socialists re-evaluated their positions because of their experiences in this period and sought, from different perspectives, to formulate a new relationship between industrial and political forms of worker struggle. They converged around 1920 in the founding of the Communist International, in which both leading industrial militants and left-wing socialists from Europe and North America participated. After the defeat or arrest of their movements for industrial unionism and workers' control, industrial militants sought a political strategy to complement their previous emphasis on economic action. Left-wing socialists, for their part, sought a means to reach and influence the mass of industrial workers and found such a means in industrial action and organization. The two joined forces in the early years of the Communist International, thereby decisively transforming Marxist views of labour unions and industrial action while linking industrial militancy to a larger political movement. The success with which the Communists established themselves after 1920 as the leading radical force in the workers' movement, in both the labour union and political arenas, is in large part due to their incorporation of industrial action into the politics and organization of the Communist Party. Thus, although the industrial unrest of the World War I period subsided after 1920 without having achieved its major immediate or long-term goals, the Communist Party inherited and then transformed its legacy.
The article reviews and comments on "The Formation of a Modern Labor Force. Upper Silesia, 1865-1914," by Lawrence Schofer, "Town in the Ruhr. A Social History of Bochum, 1860-1914," by David F. Crew, "Berliner Arbeiterviertel 1800-1918," by Horant Fassbinder, with a contribution by Ingrid Krau,"Massenwohnungsbau in Hamburg. Materialien zur Entstehung und Verdnderung Hamburger Arbeiterwohnungen und -siedlungen 1800-1967," by Hans-Jürgen Nörnberg and Dirk Schubert, "Fabrik, Familie, Feierabend. Beitrdge zur Sozialgeschichte des Ailtags im Industhezeitalter," by Jürgen Reulecke and Wolfhard Weber, "Arbeitergeschichte und Arbeiterbewegung. Industriearbeit und Organisationsverhalten im 19. und friihen 20. Jahrhundertm" by Wilhelm Heinz Schröder, "Die badische Sozialdemokratie 1890 bis 1914. Zum Zusam-menhang von Bildung und Organisation," by Konrad Elsasser, "Zur Konstituierung des Proletariats als Klasse- Strukturunter-suchung iiber das Leipziger Proletariat wdhrend der industriellen Revolution," by Hartmut Zwahr, "Sozialgeschichte der Bergarbeiterschaft an der Ruhr im 19. Jahrhundert," by Klaus Tenfelde, and "Social Democracy and Society. Working-class Radicalism in Dusseldorf, 1890-1920," by Mary Nolan.
This article reviews the book, "Revolutionary Situations in Europe, 1917-1922: Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary" = "Situations révolutionnaires en Europe, 1917-1922: Allemagne, Italie, Autriche-Hongrie" (Proceedings, 2nd International Colloquium, 25-27 March 1976), edited by Charles L. Bertrand.
This article reviews two books, "Scandal, Sensation and Social Democracy: The SPD Press and Wilhelmine Germany, 1890-1914," by Alex Hall, and "Nazis and Workers. National Socialist Appeals to German Labor, 1919-1933," by Max H. Kele.
This article compares and contrasts the attempts by workers in Britain, France, Germany, the United States, and Canada to organize industrial unions at the beginning of the twentieth century. It starts with the premise that revolutionary industrial unionism was an international phenomenon, arising from similar socioeconomic conditions in the advanced capitalist countries, and that simultaneous movements to found "one big union" of all industrial workers should be seen in this light. The article proceeds to analyze the different views of industrial unionists on the subjects of dual unionism, organization and politics within an overall tendency in favour of one big unionism. It argues that syndicalism was only one faction active in the movement and that revolutionary industrial unionism was much broader in scope than syndicalism. The article further analyzes the social bases of the movement among unskilled workers and specific groups of skilled workers in the mass production industries. Finally, it points out the tactical originality of the movement and why its tactics posed a revolutionary challenge to capitalist control of the economy.
The article reviews "Die Entstehung der Kommunistischen Partei Deutschlands. Überblick" by Heinz Wohlgemuth, "Die Hamburger Arbeiterbewegung vom Vorabend des Ersten Weltkrieges bis zur Revolution 1918/19, 2 Bande, Geistes — und Sozialwissenschaftliche Dissertationen, 37/1," by Volker Ullrich, "Novemberrevolution. Die Volkserhebung gegen den deutschen Imperialismus und Militarismus 1918/19," by Wolfgang Ruge, "Arbeiter- und Soldatenräte im rheinisch-westfälischen Industriegebiet: Studien zur Geschichte d. Revolution 1918/19 ," edited by Reinhard Rürup, "Zwei Formen von Radikalismus in der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung," by Erhard Lucas, "USPD: Zur Geschichte der Unabhängigen Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands," by Hartfrid Krause, "The Socialist Left and the German Revolution: A History of the German Independent Social Democratic Party, 1917-1922," by David W. Morgan, USPD und Internationale. Sozialistischer Internationalismus in der Zeit der Revolution," by Robert F. Wheeler, "Das Verhältnis der KPD zu den Gewerkschaften in der Weimarer," Republik, Schriftenreihe der Otto Brenner Stiftung 8, by Freya Eisner,"Arbeitslosigkeit und Rationalisierung. Die Lage der Arbeiter und die kommunistische Gewerkschaftspolitik 1920-1928," by Eva Cornelia Schöck, "Wie kam es zur RGO? Probleme der Gewerkschaftsen-wicklung in der Weimarer Republik von 1927 bis 1929," by Steffen Lehndorff, "Workers in Arms. The Austrian Schutzbund and the Civil War of 1934," by Ilona Duczynska, "Die Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands (SAP). Untergrund und Exit 1933-1945," by Jorg Bremer, "Economy and Class Structure of German Fascism," by Alfred Sohn-Rethel, "Arbeiterklasse und Volksgemeinschaft. Dokumente und Materialmen zur deutschen Arbeiterpolitik 1936-1939," Schriften des Zentralinstituts fur sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung der Freien Universitat Berlin Band 22 , by Timothy Mason, and "Sozialpolitik im Dritten Reich. Arbeiterklasse und Volksgemeinschaft," by Timothy Mason.
This article reviews the book, "August Bebel: Shadow Emperor of the German Workers," by William Harvey Maehl.
This article reviews the book, "'Not One Man! Not One Penny!' German Social Democracy 1863-1914," by Gary P. Steenson.
This article reviews the book, "Workers Control and Socialist Democracy: The Soviet Experience", by Carmen Sirianni.
Resource type
- Journal Article (9)