Book Notes [13, Spring 1984]

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Book Notes [13, Spring 1984]
The article briefly reviews ""A Reader's Guide to Canadian History 1 : Beginnings to Confederation," edited by D.A. Muise, "A Reader's Guide to Canadian History 2: Confederation to the Present," edited by J.L. Granatstein and Paul Stevens, "Shaping the Urban Landscape: Aspects of the Canadian City-Building Process," edited by Gilbert A. Stelter and Alan F.J. Artibise, "Steve Nelson: American Radical," by Steve Nelson, James R. Barrett, and Rob Ruck, "Immigrant Women," edited by Maxine Schwartz Seller, "American Labor in the Southwest: The First One Hundred Years," edited by James C. Foster, "The Moral Response to Industrialism: The Lectures of Reverend Cook in Lynn, Massachusetts," edited by John T. Cumbler, "Wilhelm Liebknecht: Letters to the Chicago Workingman's Advocate, November 26 1870-December 2 1871," edited by Philip S. Foner, " Guide to the Local Assemblies of the Knights of Labor," by Jonathan Garlock, "The New England Mill Village, 1790-1860," edited by Gary Kulik, Roger Parks, and Theodore Z. Penn, "Democratic Socialism: The Mass Left in Advanced Industrial Societies," edited by Bogdan Denitch, "Marx and Engels on Law and Laws," by Paul Phillips, "The Degradation of Work? Skill, Deskilling and the Labour Process," edited by Stephen Wood, "Cultural Marxism and Political Sociology," by Richard R. Weiner,"Our Common History: The Transformation of Europe," edited by Paul Thompson, "Wives For Sale: An Ethnographic Study of British Popular Divorce," by Samuel Pyeatt Menefee, "Today the Struggle: A Novel," by Mervyn Jones, and "A History of European Socialism," by Albert S. Lindemann.
Labour / Le Travail
Spring 1984
Palmer, B. D. (1984). Book Notes [13, Spring 1984]. Labour / Le Travail, 13, 292–296.