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Report of Commission Appointed Under Order-in-Council (P.C. 670) to Enquire into Industrial Relations in Canada Together with a Minority Report and Supplementary Report

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Report of Commission Appointed Under Order-in-Council (P.C. 670) to Enquire into Industrial Relations in Canada Together with a Minority Report and Supplementary Report
By the terms of our Commission we were required: first, to consider and make suggestions for securing a permanent improvement in the relations between employers and employees; second, to recommend means for insuring that industrial conditions affecting relations between employers and employees shall be reviewed from time to time by those concerned, with a view to improving conditions in the future. 2. For the above purpose the Commission was directed: (1) to make a survey and classification of existing Canadian industries; (2) to obtain information as to the (3) character and extent of organization already existing amongst bodies of employers and employees, respectively ; to investigate available data as to the progress made by Joint Industrial Councils in Canada, Great Britain and the United States. 3. We opened the inquiry at the City of Victoria, in the Province of British Columbia, on the 26th day of April last, and completed it at the City of Ottawa on the 13th day of June instant. Between those dates we held seventy sessions in twenty-eight industrial centres, extending from Victoria, B.C., to Sydney, N.S., in the course of which we examined 486 witnesses. --Introduction
Report Number
Royal Commission on Industrial Relations
29 pages
1/26/22, 4:22 PM

Published as a supplement to The Labour Gazette, July 1919.

Canada. Royal Commission on Industrial Relations, & Mathers, T. G. (1919). Report of Commission Appointed Under Order-in-Council (P.C. 670) to Enquire into Industrial Relations in Canada Together with a Minority Report and Supplementary Report (Nos. Z1-1919; p. 29 pages). Royal Commission on Industrial Relations.