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  • We chose Breccia as our title to reflect the nature of the [poetry] collection and our geographical location in Sudbury, Ontario. ...One section of this book, "Sudbury Breccia," grew out of a few poems about that northern mining town. We were attracted to the idea of examining life in such a town from World War II into the new millennium as seen through the eyes of a haiku poet. The diverse cultural mix of the miners themselves further enhances the breccia theme. The earliest miners were, primarily, a mélange of European immigrants who relocated to find a better life. This potpourri was enriched by large numbers of immigrants and displaced persons fleeing a war-ravaged Europe. The result was a northern Ontario mining culture with a distinctly varied foundation. --From authors' introduction. Six haiku by Ignatius Fay: headlamps off / inky black and the sounds / of shifting rock -- dad's St. Christopher / black with sweat / and mine dust -- two p.m. / the school shudders / with the mine's daily blast -- moving day / his father's job lost / to a Scooptram -- retired from mining / the school janitor's limp / worse in autumn -- played-out mine site - / the green of young thistles / in rust-stained soil. Tanka by Ignatius Fay: Levack North Mine / sixteen-hundred-foot level / the weight / of three billion years / over my head.

Last update from database: 9/25/24, 4:10 AM (UTC)


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