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  • In contrast to gloomy diagnoses of the state of industrial relations in the US, the situation in Britain is comparatively healthy. Reasons include the way in which the human resource management (HRM) challenge was met and the intellectual development of the subject from old industrial relations towards a deeper analysis of the employment relationship. These reasons are closely connected to the continuation of a case study tradition of research. Examples of such work illustrating this analysis, particularly those exploring management and the nature of HRM, are discussed. A future research agenda comparing national regimes of labor regulation is sketched.

  • La recherche comparative en relations industrielles bénéficie actuellement d'un regain d'intérêt. Un des thèmes majeurs est la génération du consentement au sein de l'atelier. Il existe déjà une tradition de recherche bien établie sur ce thème, mais son apport n'a reçu que peu d'attention jusqu'ici. L'article expose les grandes lignes de cette tradition ethnographique, mettant ses forces en relief. Il existe aussi des points faibles, notamment en ce qui a trait à la généralisation des résultats. Après évaluation, ces limites paraissent moins définitives que ne le suggèrent certaines critiques. Des exemples de l'application de cette approche à l'étude comparative sont présentés, et un programme de recherche est avancé.

  • Contents: Introduction : the workplace and labor regulation in comparative perspective / P.K. Edwards, Jacques Bélanger, and Larry Haiven -- A comparison of national regimes of labor regulation and the problem of the workplace / P.K. Edwards -- Job control under different labor relations regimes : a comparison of Canada and Great Britain / Jacques Bélanger -- Workplace discipline in international comparative perspective / Larry Haiven -- Shopfloor relations at U.S. and Canadian plants of an automotive parts supplier, 1936-1988 / Stephen Herzenberg; Bargaining regimes and the social reorganization of production : the case of General Motors in Austria and Germany / Karen Shire -- New technology and the process of labor regulation : an international perspective / Anthony E. Smith -- Conflict and compliance : the workplace politics of a disk-drive factory in Singapore / Chung Yuen Kay -- The new international division of labor and its impact on unions : a case study of high-tech Mexican export production / Harley Shaiken -- Patterns of workplace relations in the global corporation : toward convergence? / Stephen Frenkel -- Conclusion : globalization, national systems, and the future of workplace industrial relations / Larry Haiven, P.K. Edwards, and Jacques Bélanger; Introduction : the workplace and labor regulation in comparative perspective / P.K. Edwards, Jacques Belanger, and Larry Haiven -- A comparison of national regimes of labor regulation and the problem of the workplace / P.K. Edwards -- Job control under different labor relations regimes : a comparison of Canada and Great Britain / Jacques Belanger -- Workplace discipline in international comparative perspective / Larry Haiven -- Shopfloor relations at U.S. and Canadian plants of an automotive parts supplier, 1936-1988 / Stephen Herzenberg; Bargaining regimes and the social reorganization of production : the case of General Motors in Austria and Germany / Karen Shire -- New technology and the process of labor regulation : an international perspective / Anthony E. Smith -- Conflict and compliance : the workplace politics of a disk-drive factory in Singapore / Chung Yuen Kay -- The new international division of labor and its impact on unions : a case study of high-tech Mexican export production / Harley Shaiken -- Patterns of workplace relations in the global corporation : toward convergence? / Stephen Frenkel -- Conclusion : globalization, national systems, and the future of workplace industrial relations / Larry Haiven, P.K. Edwards, and Jacques Belanger

Last update from database: 10/2/24, 4:10 AM (UTC)


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